Friday 4 November 2016

Weekly News 30

Outrage as Great Ormond Street hospital worker stuns BBC Question Time viewers by wishing illness on Brexiteers' children

This story comes from the Daily Mail and is written by Martin Robinson, the UK Chief reporter.
The story surrounds a speech and language therapist from Great Ormond Street, Nicola Gorb, saying

'I want people who are leaving to one day unfortunately have a child who needs that treatment but it's not there because collaboration's not been there'.

on BBC's Question Time when talking about the recent Brexit vote and the impacts of that decision.
Row: This NHS worker said she suggested the children of Brexiteers get illnesses 

This story interested me as I personally would have preferred to stay in Europe, and therefore disagree with the Brexit vote, I also agree with what Gorb was attempting to say that the funding of research for Great Ormond street should not be cut or affected by the Brexit vote however I disagree with the manner in which she displayed her beliefs.

Her statement caused such outrage as a medical professional, with a responsibility to the care and treatment of children, it is not acceptable for Gorb to suggest that the suffering of some children is just based on the acts/beliefs of their parents.

There are calls for Gorb to be removed from her position at Great Ormond Street. The statement shows negative representation of the 48% of the country, showing them to be bitter about the loss and cruel in their intentions for the 'leavers'. This Brexit vote is likely to be supported by the readers of the Daily Mail and therefore this story is presented to show Nicola as a villain and intended to show those in the remain campaign more negatively.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually a very interesting article and you gave me a key insight into the content of what was written, I also think you opinion was justified well and you inclusion of statistics backed up your point well.
