Friday 25 November 2016

'Amy' Review

Image result for amy winehouse before she was famousImage result for amy winehouse

The Oscar award winning documentary Amy, (2015)  was directed by Asif Kapadia and uses a mixture of home videos, magazine photographs, television interviews and audio interviews with her friends to tell her story of her rise and fall with fame.

The film reveals the lesser known story of how Amy Winehouse came into the music industry, and how relationships between her friends, family and her relationships caused her demise. The narrative of the film is similar to that of a Greek tragedy, and centres around Amy, the protagonist, and shows  both her own career decisions led her to a certain path and also the heavy interventions of characters such as her Father, Mitch Winehouse and her long term boyfriend, Blake Fielder. 

Kapadia demonstrates the massive influence/importance of music in Amy's life through the narration via her own song lyrics, both released recordings and captured on home video, that creates the illusion of that the film is some kind of diary make the whole documentary personal to Amy herself. 

Kapdia is a british filmmaker himself which makes the documentary feel more genuine with a British subject such as Amy Winehouse, other films he's made include Senna about the Brazillian Formula One race driver, which won 2 BAFTA film awards, and was nominated for a various other selection. 

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