EU nationals living in the UK before Brexit should be allowed to stay here permanently, expert panel recommends
This story was taken from the Sun, and written by Alain Tolhurst.
Theresa May has been accused of being morally wrong by not guaranteeing the status of over 3 million European nationals living in the country, until the rights of the British on the continent can be guaranteed.
"The panel, which included a cross-party group of MPs, said all 2.8 million EU nationals should be eligible for permanent residence with the same health, social and education rights as British citizens."
I chose this story as when searching through both the Sun and Daily Mail it was the only story with any real impact, with the majority of articles speculating around the new X Factor Winner Matt Terry being gay, or who was best dressed at the Critics Choice awards.

I personally agree that it would be unfair to deport on deny EU nationals the same rights, if they have been living here before the Brexit vote, they came here with the expectation for a certain standard of living and quality of life, and potentially voted in the EU referendum themselves, making them part of the British society and voting system, and should therefore receive the same consequences and rights as British people Brexit. For Theresa May to bargain the rights of these nationals, for the rights of the British in mainland Europe, seems a little far fetched as Britain made it's own decision to leave the EU therefore sacrificing certain rights, and therefore can't pick and chose benefits it wants to remain a part of, that is the consequence of the Brexit vote.
This story is a good example for a case study of events and issues as it highlights issues with nationalism and the consequences of the very historic Brexit vote in 2016.