Sunday 15 November 2015

Coursework 'bowl' summary


  1. I like the premise of your film and it is evident that you have considered your characters carefully. Which secrets are depicted within the film, and is Melissa aware of her husband's affair prior to the film? I also really like the idea for your poster and believe that it will look effective and successfully connote the thriller genre.

  2. The film's narrative is simple yet creative, with what seems like a lot of potential. The depth that you have gone into about your characters is excellent, it will make it much easier for you to create judgement about your characters later in production, you'll have less to be concerned about and a lot more material to work off of.

    Perhaps begin to think about the entire length of the plot and how different parts of it can be foreshadowed or refrenced in your poster.


  3. This is a good idea Darcy, I like the detail that you have gone into in the characterisation this should help as it will be evident in your Production phase. You also have been given good feedback by VV and Sophia. Not sure if you have seen it but it made me think of Albatross (2011) - take a look and tell me what you think.
