Friday 6 November 2015

Controversial advert

This advert is for a press company that produces men's magazines in Belgium in 2007, and the tag line for the advert is
'If men are your target make sure you don't miss them'
This ad is controversial because it is making light of a serious event in American history which not only changed the way the world looked at security, and politics but also resulted in the end of a man's life. It also is the example of the objectification and de-humanisation of women in the media, giving the impression that if Jackie Kennedy had died it would be seen as a joke.
I think this advert is supposed to controversial in order for people to remember it and subsequently remember the companies name - 'all publicity is good publicity'- but essentially is de-humanising and offensive. Furthermore, this ad also cuts out America as a huge market for their service as most Americans would be appalled to see tragic events in their history being made fun of.

1 comment:

  1. Great example of controversial advertisements. You met the requitiement of the set homework which was to discuss why this advert was controvercial and what it represents in the media. I enjoyed reading your blog entry and it shed light on my understanding of the topic.
