Saturday 17 October 2015

Weekly News 5


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Autistic man drowned in reservoir while carer who was supposed to be watching him was 'distracted' messaging a man she met on dating website
A coroner said Mr Akhtar 'probably fell unconscious because of a seizure, which meant he was unable to prevent himself from drowning
This is a story written by Katie Louise Davies for the Daily Mail

The event took place in Mansfield, North England.
The purpose of this story is to shock the reader  and to incise them to delve deeper into the website.
The stories headline gives a negative representation of society as it suggests the constant distraction of social media has gotten to the extreme of care workers being distracted from their jobs. Furthermore the phrase 'man she met on a dating site' suggests that she was engaging in a fling with a stranger which contributes to the shock of the story and exaggerates the women's negligence.

 The writer has also included a lot of pictured of the victim, Mr Akhtar smiling and looking happy. This is so that the reader empathises with him and pays closer attention to the story. It also gives evidence to the contextual information that Majhid has the mental age of four. This again makes the reader empathise with the victim as it shows that he really was incapable of looking after himself

The writer of this article, specialises in controversial stories such as male only rape centres in Sweden and a couple who won the lottery twice in one day. This means the audience of this article, especially if they recognise the writer, will be drawn to it as they know it will be an extraordinary, real life story. 


  1. I think the story you have picked out is very touching and interesting. You analysed the story well as you have clearly explained where you have gotten the information from and who the writer is, and so the effect that this has on the overall look of the article. You have also been able to analyse the different parts of the story well such as, the purpose of it and the representation behind the headline. I also liked how you have included a picture within your writing as it helped to make it much more engaging to read.

  2. Straight away you have identified who wrote the article and the newspaper that published it. I like how you included a paragraph on the writer of the article and how it could effect the audience. You have analysed the headline well and explained why it would catch the readers attention. To improve you could add in your own opinion and why you chose this article. Well done! X
