Saturday 3 October 2015

Representation of Adults


  1. Gave good points on how each class of adults are portrayed by the media and giving examples like "welfare cheats or crime".

    To improve you could provide examples of when the media have shown the types of examples stated with screenshots, images or links

  2. You have used an effective design and made everything flow well. You have shown a good knowledge of the representation of adults in the media. I really liked how you have explained the representation of both males and female as well as how it differs depending on the different classes.

  3. You gave a detailed explanation comparing adult males to adult women and supported your ideas well with relevant examples, which I thought was very effective.
    To develop you could explore how the media differs the age group of adults from the other ages, seeing as its adults that control most of what is written in the media, you could explain what your opinions of the effect of this is. But overall you made a good presentation explaining, and comparing different aspects of the adult age group.

  4. You divided your explanation of how adults are represented within media into three parts; class, gender ,and body image. This was done effectively as it showed how each had an effect on how an adult is represented, with your body image having an impact on whether you are represented negatively or positively, the different stereotypes men and women have and how adults of different social classes are represented.

    This was a very detailed and informative account, but to improve you could include your opinion,
