Saturday 3 October 2015

Weekly News 3

This story is written by Ellie Ross

This is more of an appeal than a story,to find the mother of a 6 week old baby abandoned under a tree in Northampton-shire. The baby was luckily only left alone for no more than one and a half hours and was found by a passer by at 9 am on the 28th September.

I think the purpose of this story is to firstly, appeal to the mother or anyone who might have information, but also the direct address of the headline grabs the readers attention and the story was chosen because it is shocking and will make readers want to find out more about it.

The picture used as well shows an image of the child looking frail and asleep to make the child look even more vulnerable and again attract the readers attention when scrolling through the website.

There is also an image at the bottom of the story of the blankets the child way wrapped in.
The writer also included the fact that the two blankets were from Aldi,and Primark. This could be to suggest the reader that perhaps the baby was left due to financial reasons as Aldi and Primark are both discount stores.

1 comment:

  1. The story is a good one to use and your analysis and deeper thinking about the blankets is really good! Also the analysis of the photo is good and identifying the direct address used in the advert.

    To improve you could maybe talk about why the advert is in the paper, and what it is trying to achieve by being in there

    But well done!
