Saturday 26 September 2015

TV advertisment analysis, John Lewis Home Insurance 2015

This is an advert for John Lewis Home insurance.

The use of the song 'Tiny Dancer' in this advert is effective as it appeals to the target audience of product. The target audience of this particular service would be home owners, specifically people with young families. Customers will be able to relate to the advert, with the use of the child, as the song 'Tiny Dancer' came out in 1971 which means that the target audience would, themselves have been children when it came out, so they will respond more positively to the advert because of nostalgia. The use of the little girl is also clever as she is literally, a tiny dancer.

Using a young child helps to make the advert more personal to its target audience as it is aimed at people who have children. The camera angle, following the girl, is also effective as it represents the movement and restlessness of children and also shows all of the possible mishaps that could effect your home. There is also use of direct address, when the little boy,  watches her dance then looks directly into the camera (shown below). This again makes the advertisement more personal as it feels like he is staring directly at you. Also this moment was used to comedic effect which is effective because it means the audience is more likely to pay attention to the ad.


The filter of the camera also adds to the nostalgic feel as it doesn't make the scene look completely modern and up to date, almost like it could have been taken years ago in anyone's house, and again makes the advert seem more personal.

To conclude this advert is effective because it relates to the audience on a personal level, almost everyone knows a young child that dances or used to dance sporadically around the house without a care. This informal relationship between the characters on screen and the audience helps to engage the audience and make them want to pay attention.

1 comment:

  1. Darcy this is a good assessment of the advert that you have chosen however I think that you miss a few tricks in terms of who the audience was for this particular product. Have a think about the audience for this advert, who do you think it was made for? Are they only advertising Insurance? Why do we cut to the outside of the house? Where is the house? Who walks past? Answers to these questions will help you drill down further into perhaps the true intentions of the advertisers. Well Done!
