Sunday 27 September 2015

Weekly News 2

Article from the Daily Mail Online, by Darren Boyle.

The headline of this story is supposed to provoke a reaction. The headline makes the attack seem like a hate crime against the modern trend known as 'hipsters' when in reality, the protest was originally about over expensive housing in London. A group of the protesters took it out of hand and paint-bombed the boutique cereal café.

The perspective of this article is to make the protesters, who are angry about a justifiable cause, seem like the villain's who attacked an innocent nearby café. Although this is partly true it was only a small group of extreme protesters who caused the chaos.

By choosing the headline 'hipster hating' makes the hipsters sound like a targeted minority, when it seems the shop was only attacked because of its close proximity to the protest. So the headline is actually completely inaccurate, bar the detail that a café was hit.

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