Sunday 27 September 2015

Summer Homework (part 2)

This advert is advertising home furniture and is presented in the form of a net of a shape. This is effective because the idea of a net is that the shape is not complete, that you have to put it together so by displaying their products in this form, the message given by Very is that they will give you the foundation (the products) to bring your home together, and it is up to you to bring those aspects together to create your perfect home. This idea is continued with the colour scheme of the net as each square compliments each other and goes well together, again suggesting to the audience that any of their products will fit well together. Furthermore the items displayed are actually parts of sets, made evident by the matching designs; this again gives the audience the idea of harmony in their homes as their furniture will all match.

Another reason why this advertisement is effective is because it is on a white background which makes it stand out to the reader, making them more likely to read it as it catches there attention. One final feature which makes this advert effective is that the logo box which says ‘Very’ inside is contrasting to the other boxes which are much milder, understated colours. The brightness of the pink makes the logo more eye-catching so without even looking properly at the ad the reader is able to identify what companies product is being advertised.

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