Monday 28 September 2015

This Girl Can Ad Analysis

This advert's purpose is to inspire women of all shapes and sizes to go out and enjoy all of the different types of exercise available. It is designed to encourage them to go out and do what they like no matter what they look like.

This advert had examples of both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. There is diegetic sound when the women are out of breath and when they hit the water, this is because the audience can see where the original source of sound is. The background track of Missy Elliot Get Your Freak On, is the example of non-diegetic sound as the audience cannot see the source of the sound.

This advert also shows the women wearing a lot of colour, for example this still above of the women running shows her in very bright closed against a dull, British countryside setting. The contrast of these colours is used as a way of highlighting the message of the video. By wearing such bright colours, the woman is obviously aware she is going to be looked at but doesn't care because she just wants to run. Having the writing in the centre brings the audiences attention to this contrast, which means it will have a bigger effect.

Also by choosing what is deemed to be a 'normal' woman, who does have cellulite and 'jiggles' then the company is appealing to a wider audience as they feel as if they can relate to these women more, than the supermodels who usually represent women. Furthermore there are women of multiple races and also a young girl with down syndrome in this ad, this was used to show the message that anyone can do it if they want to, they just have to go out and join in.

There is no dialogue in this advert to emphasise the point that there is no divide between women, that anyone can have fun and exercise if they want. If there was dialogue in it then the way the person speaks, or their accent would create a specific target audience, but without one all of the women become equal.

The transitions in this advert are very quick to represent the speed and enthusiasm of the women. This also grabs the audiences attention more and they are more likely to focus as they become intrigued by the rapidity of the shots.

To conclude I think this is an effective advert as it's message contradicts the usual stereotype of women and shows them as strong, independent figures. Furthermore its contrasting colours and music make it stand out from the product adverts. The other adverts are selling products where as this is promoting a state of mind.