Monday 9 January 2017

Weekly News 38


Two traveller women shamed online for shopping in Tesco in their pyjamas brand their male critic ‘sexist’ and ‘racist’

One of the women said it was an attack on their traveller 'way of life'

This story comes from The Sun and is written by Annabel Howard

This is the argument between a man named Chris Cooke, who posted an image of two women shopping in Tesco, complaining that they were shopping in their pyjamas, and calling for Tesco to ban people from being served if they are not appropriately dressed. 

The two women pictured, who have asked not be named, have responded to the photo. They claim to have changed into their pyjamas ready for a night in, however then realised they needed to get milk for younger of the women's baby. The women are travellers and claim the post is 'an attack on their way of life', whilst also labelling it as 'sexist  and racist'. 

I personally think that if these women feel comfortable enough to travel out dressed like this, then it is their choice. There are no major differences between pyjamas and everyday clothes, despite their labels and uses, and I find it odd how Mr Cooke finds it so detrimental to his shopping experience that others are dressed this way. 

To call the remarks an attack on travellers however is contradictory to the women's point. They claim that they just 'popped out' to get the child milk suggesting that wearing their nightwear out was a last minute but convenient decision, but by accusing Cooke are directing their culture suggests that going out dressed like this is common occurrence, which makes their plea for sympathy surrounding the child redundant.

Nevertheless, to post the photo condemning the women without their permission, for essentially not dressing to Mr Cooke standards of social etiquette, is unjustified and unless the clothing was offensive, or has any impact on other peoples shopping, people should be allowed to dress however they deem appropriate for the situation. 

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