Sunday 31 January 2016

Weekly News 17

Muslims in UK top 3 million for first time... with over 50% born outside Britain: Number in country doubles in a decade as immigration and birth rates soar

This story came from the Mail on Sunday and was written by Martin Beckford.

Eight areas around the country where Muslims make up a significant number of local residents have been highlighted. In the  borough of Tower Hamlets (pictured) the proportion stood at 45.6 per cent in 2014
This story is also linked to the policy encouraged by David Cameron for all Muslim women to learn English, to supposedly combat again extremism. This story was a little confusing as the statistic as a headline does not state any positives or negatives to the recent increase, but the way it is put across brings a negative tone. There would be outrage if the paper had found the statistic on Jewish People or Buddhists, so why is it okay to ostracise Muslim's in this way?

This article highlights the issue of Islamophobia (the title) whilst also touching on the poor representation of religion, suggesting that Britain's increased diversity is a negative thing. I understand that extremists claim to following the religion of Islam and that is what has caused the prejudice however with stories like this still creating negative press around religion then nothing is going to change.

1 comment:

  1. This article is well accounted for and is a good choice of an article. It is also good that you added an opinion that is on two sides of the fence. though what could be added is the source and why the source had talked about it.
