Kids Company psychologist denies she offered a patient MDMA in a nightclub toilet because 'she was too overweight to fit in the cubicle'
This is a story from the Daily Mail written Steph Cockroft. This is the story of the psychologist Helen Winter who went out with two of her clients, referred to in the article as 'Client C' and Client D' and is accused of offering one of the clients the 'party drug' MDMA.
I thought this story was interesting as in the recent years the issue of mental health has become more prominent and more recognised as a serious issues faced by many people, so it shocked me to see how professionals who are responsible for looking after these vulnerable people, are able to get away with incidents like this.
The perspective of this story is relatively balanced considering it is from the Daily Mail, as it does offer her defence that she was 'too high' to remember or know what she was doing, and also that she started taking the drugs after ' a personal breakup of a relationship'. However these aren't strong enough reasons to justify her actions. Furthermore the headline gives the perspective that Dr. Winter had some sort of fat-shaming perspective, when that statement was said in a more factual sense that the 3 involved simply could not fit into the cubicle.

I feel you included a good amount of opinion in your writing and responded to the content of the article well. I also think you responded to the context effectively as you spoke about the source and the standpoint of the article. Well done