Sunday 6 December 2015

Weekly New 12

Baby death cover-up shames NHS: Doctors admitted blunders over eight-week-old son's infections without realising they were being taped by his parents... then plotted to delete their incriminating words 

This is a story from the Daily Mail written by Stephen Adams and Charles Yates, and follows the tragic story of neglect when the Condon's eight week old son, Ben was not treated sufficiently with antibiotics when he developed an infection which led to hid death.

Following this loss the couple received inaccurate information regarding their child's passing and proceeded to have a meeting with the doctors involved whilst recording the interview. Once the parents decided to leave the room for a moment the recording captures evidence of the doctors not only admitting their incompetence but then trying to delete the recording and covering the microphone for the remainder of their discussion.

For the audio recording of the interview click here

After furthermore exploration I learned that Stephen Adams often writes about negative stories about the NHS which could suggest that he has a certain bias against the service so fails to see the good the NHS offers to the public everyday. 

This story caught my attention because of the initial phrase, 'baby death cover up', and also the link with the NHS, as the public we are inclined to trust the NHS with our lives and health and this headline challenges that trust.

Medics were caught on tape agreeing that their baby should have been given antibiotics much sooner – which could have saved his life.
Ben,who died of a bacterial infection after not receiving his antibiotics from his doctors


  1. I found your article very intruiging concerning the shocking headline. You shown your level of understanding and made use of good photographic evidence. I was able to pick out what interested you about the story so much enough to write about it. Well done.

  2. You have shown clear understanding of the article and analysed the aspects well! Also I like how you had researched more about the writer to estimate whether the article would be bias or untrustworthy, Well done!
