Monday 24 April 2017

Weekly News 55

Towie star Ferne McCann covers up in a cap and loose clothes as she returns to Britain after the father of her unborn baby is charged over acid attack

This is the story from the Daily Mail written by James Dunn, a journalist who often writes about unusual crime stories and insights into celeb living. 

I chose this story because of it's *tenuous* link to one of our main case studies, I'm a Celebrity as Ferne McCann was a favourite of the 2015 series. 

It was recently announced that Ferne McCann's former boyfriend, Arthur Collins, was wanted by police in connection to the tragic acid attacks on a London nightclub, which left 2 people partially blind and 20 more injured. 

Her arrival was less than 24 hours after Collins was yesterday arrested in connection with an acid attack at a London nightclub
The ITV star has been trolled by Twitter users saying how inappropriate it would be to have the mother of a criminal's child as a host on daytime television. Some may be critical of ITV hiring back the Jungle favourite, as it may come across as disrespectful to those affected by the incident. 

Although I do sympathise with McCann, and think it would be unjust for her career to be ruined by someone else who has already caused so much damage, I also think that his connection with the well-known presenter has taken the attention off of the victims, who were really the ones who have suffered throughout this whole ordeal. 

Collins has since been arrested and is now being questioned by the police in relation to the attacks. 

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