Sunday 17 April 2016

Weekly News 25

School is slammed for asking students to wear their expected A-level grades on 'nooses' around their necks to 'make them aware' what they're aiming for

This story comes from the Daily Mail and is written by Kate Samuelson

I chose this story as I felt it was relevant due to our own upcoming exams in a few weeks.
It is a story about a school in Bedford  which now requires it's students to wear their targets around their neck as a way of identification and as incentive to do well in their exams.

However, students are hitting back complaining that this new system adds more pressure to the already stressful period.
But students say the tags add 'unnecessary pressure' to what is already a stressful time
I personally do not agree with this system as it not only a physical embodiment of the pressure that target grades impose on people, but also makes students who aren't as academically adept feel inadequate and isolated from the rest of the students, and if Coulsdon introduced the same policy I would feel like my grades would be an unfair way of categorising me based on my potential academic ability rather than my effort.
This highlights the modern issue of education how grades are seen as more important than the students actually learning and are a way of comparing people despite it being a platform that not everyone can excel in. The article seems to side with the students on this occasion which is unusual as usually teenagers are represented as delinquents involved in illegal activities but in comparison this shows them to be victims of 'the system'


  1. This is really interesting because I don't really understand who thought that would be a good idea, given that schools and colleges are already under so much criticism for the pressure put on young people.

    You effectively discussed the source and your personal opinion, evaluating the issues it raises and therefore linking it to representation of issues.

  2. I found this article very interesting coming from an academic institute which is meant to ease the pressure off A level examinations. You made good use of detailed examples relating to the article and you included your opinion which is very valid. Well Done. :))
